"All Will Be Equalized!"

Since the early 1500s, the land we now call Georgia has been a site of dynamic social struggle, where generations of freedom seekers have fought back against the inhumanities of slavery and colonialism. From rebellious Afro-Indigenous and Seminole communities of the Sea Islands and Okefenokee Swamp, to inter-racial networks of anti-Confederate resistance during the U.S. Civil War, these are the stories of oppressed peoples of African, Indigenous, and European descent who lived and fought together for their collective liberation while building multi-racial and directly democratic communities within Georgia's most remote and secluded natural landscapes. 

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Pan-African Social Ecology

by Modibo Kadalie
Modibo Kadalie has spent nearly six decades as an activist, organizer, teacher, and scholar in the ongoing struggle for Pan-African freedom. In this collection of interviews and public talks, he reflects on the sit-ins, boycotts, strikes, urban rebellions, and anticolonialist movements that have animated the late-twentieth and early-twenty-first centuries. Kadalie demonstrates how forms of directly democratic organizing that have evolved through these freedom struggles also present the promise of a ecological future. In so doing, he explains that direct democracy is the key to both Black liberation and ecological security. This concise, radical, and iconoclastic book calls on present and future generations of activists to reconnect with the spirit of these movements without lionizing individual leaders or lending legitimacy to any government or politician.
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Intimate Direct Democracy

by Modibo Kadalie
Modibo Kadalie's newest book offers a critical reexamination of the history and historiography surrounding two sites of African maroonage in North America: The Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia and North Carolina; and Fort Mose in Florida. Kadalie's study of these sites offers a new lens of "intimate direct democracy," through which readers are invited to re-examine their notions of human social history and the true meaning of democracy.
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